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"Strive for daily, weekly, and monthly diet scores to stay aligned."

FeedbackDiet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some common terms used on FeedbackDiet.com:

Goal: An FeedbackDiet.com goal is an intermediate weight loss goal over period of time (usually 4 weeks) where you calculate SMART (specific, measurable, attainable and timely) goals for your weight loss program. Current weight, goal weight, resting weight calories (e.g. calories that maintain your current weight) and goal calories. When a commitment ends, you move on to the next commitment on the path to meeting your goals.

Diet Score: A simple score between 0 and 10 of how you are doing towards your goal. A score of "10" means you are right on track towards the goal you determined. A score of 3 means you are running way behind. If you finish yesterday with a daily velocity of 8, you can attempt to recover with a velocity of 12 today. Similarly, if your weekly velocity last week was 9, you can recover this week with an 11. And so on. If you fall more then 5 points behind on any long-term measure- weekly, or monthly- we suggest stopping or re-planning the current commitment to ensure a positive, healthy diet process. You can change the overall commitment goal or split it in two, close off the portion you just finished, and start with a clean slate.